Thursday, October 15, 2009


I've taken to posting MF DOOM quotations on Ronaldmetellus recently, embedding them into my posts on other things.

The fact is DOOM lines circulate through my head constantly. Way more than the raps of anyone else. Why that is I cannot say. I can only speculate that it's either:

A) because DOOM is a genius and one of the world's greatest MCs or B) because he's evil and has perfected the art of subtle mind-influencing powers.

As someone who prides himself on his mental strength and his resistance to telepathic forces, I am inclined to think it's the former.

DOOM is a badass villain. So this might qualify as a "Badass villain Lines" installment.

But, no, I won't count it.

Here you go. Behold:

"MCs is crabs in the barrel / Pass the Old Bay"

Pass the Old Bay? "Old Bay"? Like the spice you put into crab cakes? Yep.

What other MC would think of that let alone rap it in such a kickass manner?

Uh, no one.

I used to make crab cakes a lot at a job I had once. It was back when I took a year off before this collegezone oh so many moons ago (also known as 3 years ago). Did you all know there are sweet potatoes in crab cakes? And celery, onions, Of course crab, and OLD BAY. I mean, I don't eat meat these days, so I wouldn't eat a crab cake. But, I enjoyed making them.

You know, I sort of miss the days when I would make crab cakes and falafel and turkey salad (and quiche!) and I would be paid. Blue Moon was a good place. R.I.P, Blue Moon Grocery & Deli.

Oh, believe it or not, "Awesome Town" was born in the kitchen of Blue Moon. That is, no joke, where I was christened this town's Chief of fire Safety.

So, there you go (which is a phrase my dad despises).

-NF VOGT, Chief Of Fire Safety.

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