Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Mega Man!

Mega Man 9 is the hardest videogame I've ever played. It nearly broke me so I gave up on it. I appreciate the pains Capcom took to make it really retro though. The game's art was really great.

They're now making Mega Man 10 in the same vein as 9, mimicking the crappy old box art from the ancient Mega Man games that looks NOTHING like the actual game and like the actual Mega Man looks.

Here's The Art from the first Mega Man game which came out in 1987:

That's terrible, isn't it? Yeah it is. It's TERRIBLY AWESOME. And, here's the Art for Mega Man 10 which is coming out probably in 2010:

Oh yes. That's brilliant.

And here's what Mega Man actually looks like. As I said, this is nothing like how he's pictured in the box art for a lot of his games:


Tuesday, December 22, 2009


This is such a wonderful picture of a Baboon. The photographer did a really good job.

This Baboon is named Olive. Actually, I don't know that for sure. But, I think Olive is a good name for him. So I'm gonna call him that.

Olive's having an epiphany about the universe according to this news story.

He may be having a migraine though. If he's having a migraine, I feel sorry for Olive. Looks like it hurts.

Maybe he's having both a headache and an epiphany? I imagine gaining enlightenment and universal knowledge would hurt one's head a bit.

Olive, if you're out there, if you're reading this, you're a good monkey. I want you to know that.


Monday, December 21, 2009

A Good Cat

...I didn't find this video up here up the internet. My sister did. But, it's a good cat, no?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dear South Butt It's Me, Nick

I wrote this letter to the company South Butt to let them know how I feel about their situation and what they stand for in the world. South Butt is a parody name of the name "North Face", and North Face has decided to sue South Butt. You can read about this on NPR's site, which is where I found out about it.

Dear, South Butt:

As someone who greatly appreciates how funny "childish curses" are (i.e. poop, butt, stinky, dumb-dumb...) and as someone who appreciates humor in general, I find your company's name awesome.

There are many things on this Earth I do not find awesome, though. One of those is corporations throwing their weight around just to...well, throw their weight around. North Face, in suing you, is obviously just resorting to bully tactics and frankly I find that ridiculous.

South Butt, I hugely respect how you've handled this situation though. You are showing poise, stoicism and best of all, a sense of humor about the whole thing. Humor, of course, is something North Face and all of corporate America most definitely lacks.

I read about your company and this fiasco with North Face a few nights ago on NPR's website and I decided to write to you to let you know I think you, South Butt, are the "bigger man" in this mess. This is not a good look for North Face, and I hope everyone realizes that.

Good luck. And Good hunting, South Butt.


-Nicholas Vogt

I sent that letter to South Butt this morning.