Sunday, February 14, 2010


I have some music up online now. Bandcamp is a pretty cool site that let's you upload musics so people can stream them and also you can have people download your stuff, too. It's fun.

On my Bandcamp page I have two songs I've already posted to this blog, but there's also a new track, a Valentine's Day song.

Mama Town


In Janauary 2010, my radio show here at Hampshire College: "A Cave Bear Can Do No Wrong" had its last show. Well, it's last show for a while anyway. It could, like the phoenix, rise up from the ashes shrieking.

My show has shapeshifted due to the addition of a co-host, my friend Molly Taylor.

What did A Cave Bear Can Do No Wrong shapeshift into? Mama Town.

You can listen to Mama Town on Wednesday nights at 10 on the yurt radio. You can hear us say enlightening things and play music that is delicious and nutritious.

Tune in on Wednesday nights. We'd appreciate it. We did a show last week, but it was a rocky sort of start. Rocky like Geodude or Sylvester Stalone. Our next show will be smoother. Smooth like the criminal Michael Jackson famously sang about.

Be well, everybody. Remember to recycle.

Mama Town.