Tuesday, September 29, 2009

More Villain Lines

Yeah! Here's the part two, Y'all:

#3: The Joker: "Gentlemen, Let's Broaden Our Minds." That's Jack Nicholson as the Joker from the oldschool Batman movie, Tim Burton's. I have always loved the scene where The Joker and his goons rip up the museam. And right before they do it, Joker says that line. Nice! Anyone who says "Gentlemen" is cool in my book. Even if he's The Joker.

#4: Piccolo: "You Think A Sayain Would Show Any Mercy!"
I don't know if that's a
direct quotation,
but Piccolo of DBZ fame says that before shooting an energy blast
Granted, Piccolo is a good guy for most of Dragon Ball Z,
but he started out as a villain. And he's a badass.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Badass Villain Lines!

Hey. I'm on all these different blogs now. It's a good time.

I wanted to post this shit here because I don't know what Ron would think of it going up on RonaldMetellus. He probably wouldn't mind it at all, but I need to post something on AwesomeTown since I never do. Ever.

I woke up this morning with many many thoughts in my head for many reasons. I do not know the reason I had the thought that I should blog about some of my favorite Villain lines from things that I find badass. If you need more clarification about that, this post is a very short list of lines villians in TV or movies or videogames or whatever have said that are wicked badass.

Here are two lines I thought of this morning that are incredible and are badass:

#1: The Master from Buffy: "Tonight I shall walk, and the STARS THEMSELVES WILL HIDE!" Yeah! That's crazy, right? Who says that? The Master says that! He's a great character, actually. I think The Master is my second favoirte Villian on Buffy. The first is Nathan Fillion as "Caleb" who comes in near the end of the second season and gets the "Knave to chops" treatment. Well, it's more like the "balls to chops" treatment.

#2: Digitamamon from Digimon: Digital Monsters: "So Many Accidents Can Happen In The Kitchen...So Many..." Digitamamon is a badass. He's a walking, talking, semi-hatched egg. And, yes, Digimon is was much better than pokemon and always will be the champion of the Saturday Morning world. I'm on the Digi team, guys. In the English dub Digitaromon speaks with a terrible German accent that makes that line so much better. He's talking about how he might like kill one of the kids he has enslaved in his diner and make it look like a kitchen accident. That's precisely why Digimon was so much better than pokemon could ever be.

And, um, that's it for now. I may make this a sort of "posting theme" thing. If I think of a new line that I find badass, I will blog about it.

If you, dear reader, think of a badass line, comment on this here post, or tweet at me if you have the skills for that. I've said this a lot, but I'm Nicholasvogt on that there twitter.

