Thursday, August 5, 2010

Malcom Vs. The Bagel

Today at Kids Kung Fu camp I ended up involved in a kid named Macolm's imaginary world in which a giant bagel terrorized New York City. At one point I played the voice of Barak Obama on the telephone and it was pretty awesome. I channeled Jimmy Fallon for my Obama voice.

Malcolm called the president asking for ropes to bind the Bagel. And, of course, Obama gladly provided them. But, the Bagel proved to strong to be tied up by ropes. In fact, most of what Malcolm tried was unsuccessful in destroying or capturing the damn thing.

In the end, we needed the assistance of another kid, the super-inventor Gordy. Gordy built a giant toaster which he used to toast the evil Bagel and then Malcolm ate it.

Then, we rebuilt New York using crayons.


  1. Sounds like you had a very busy day, but alas it always is for telephobama (Telephone-Obama).

  2. In ten years or so...

    "What are we going to do about that bagel? It just keeps killing everybody in the room!"
